PLEASE BE ADVISED: From 7th January, the Isdell Place entry to the parish property will be temporarily closed due to renovations being carried out at the school. Please use Corfield Street entrance.
We welcome you to our Liturgical Services
Sunday Mass
Saturday 6.00pm Vigil Mass; Sunday 7.30am, 9.30am
Children's Liturgy at 9.30am Mass during School Term for Children 4 years old to Year 3
Weekday Mass/Communion Service
Monday 8.00am Communion Service (Mass on Solemnity only)
Tuesday 6.00pm Mass - 1st Tuesday Mass of Anointing
Wednesday, Thursday & Saturday 8.00am Mass
Friday 9.00am Mass
Rosary after weekday Masses
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
Tuesday 5.00-6.00pm with Benediction; Sunday 6.00-7.00pm
Charismatic Prayer
Thursday 7.15pm - 9.00pm
Mass at Aged Care Centres in our Parish
Buckley Caring Centre 10.00am Mass - Second Thursday of the Month
Juniper Aged Care 11.00am Mass - Third Friday of the Month
Reconciliation: Saturday 5.00-5.45pm or by appointment
Other details can be obtained from our Sunday Bulletin