The Parish Pastoral Council is a body representative of the whole parish. Through it the Christian faithful, along with those who share in the pastoral care of the parish in virtue of their office, give their help in fostering pastoral activity.

The Parish Pastoral Council is a consultative body. As such it has the right and duty to provide wise advice and constructive assessments to the parish priest. It is to be involved in prudent policy making, goal planning and setting of objectives for the furtherance of Christian ministry within the parish. Canon Law requires the setting up of a separate Parish Finance Committee. The Parish Pastoral Council will be required to dialogue and collaborate with that Committee where necessary in fulfilling the mission of the parish.

The mission of the Parish Pastoral Council, in co-operation with the priest, is to see to it that every avenue is opened for all members of the parish to:

  1. discover their call as disciples of Christ;
  2. develop the confidence and skills they need to carry out their mission;
  3. find in the parish the structures they will need for their ongoing support and growth;
  4. review regularly individual and parish goals and strategies so that everyone will have a sense of proceeding purposefully and effectively towards the bringing about of God's reign.

If you wish to contact us follow this link.